NACARA and CSBS send a joint letter to ED Secretary

NACARA and CSBS send a joint letter to ED Secretary

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On July 6, 2021, Presidents Jedd Bellman and John Ryan, of NACARA and CSBS, respectively, sent a letter to Department of Education (“ED”) Secretary Dr. Miguel Cardona.

NACARA and CSBS ask the ED Secretary to rescind policies that obstruct or prevent state regulators from obtaining information and otherwise regulating collection activities relating to federal student loan servicing.  Specifically, NACARA and CSBS ask ED to rescind its March 2018 preemption notice.

NACARA and CSBS also ask for ED to formally recognize the rights of state regulators to access records of student loan servicers and their partnered debt collection agencies.

The full letter can be found linked below and also in the Correspondence section at the bottom of NACARA’s home webpage.

CSBS & NACARA Letter to Ed. Dept. – State Student Loan Servicing Regulation Letter – July 6, 2021


A follow up letter dated September 13, 2021 was sent by Presidents Bellman and Ryan to Beth Grebledinger of ED’s Federal Student Aid office.  In their letter, the presidents express support for ED’s recent legal interpretation that supersedes ED’s 2018 interpretation preempting state regulation of federal student loans.  The presidents express additional steps that ED can take to ensure greater protection for consumers and increased regulatory authority for states and municipalities.

The full letter can be found linked below and also in the Correspondence section at the bottom of NACARA’s home webpage.

CSBS-NACARA Letter – Docket ED-2021-OS-0107 – Federal-State Student Loan Servicing – Final

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